2016 Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner


The 15th annual Constitutional Law Conference and Dinner will be held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales on Friday, 12 February 2016. The event is organised by the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law with the support of the Australian Association of Constitutional Law.

The conference will focus on developments in the High Court and other Australian courts in 2015 and beyond. It will be addressed by leading practitioners, judges and academics.

Speakers at the conference will review the key themes of constitutional law decisions in the High Court, Federal Court and State Courts in 2015, as well as giving focused attention to recent cases such as McCloy v NSW, CEPU v Queensland Rail, Plaintiff M68/2015 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, ICAC v Cunneen, NAAJA v Northern Territory and Duncan v NSW. The final session will consider the topic ‘Governing and Constitutional Law’ through the prism of three public offices: Solicitor-General, Parliamentary Counsel and Attorney-General.

The conference will be followed by dinner at NSW Parliament House with the guest speaker being Mr Justin Gleeson SC, solicitor-general of the Commonwealth.

The cost of the event is $465 for the conference and $115 for the dinner (total $580). There is an early-bird conference registration rate of $415 if you register for the conference by 18 December 2015. To register, please see ‘Upcoming Events’ at www.gtcentre.unsw.edu.au. Alternatively, please email gtcentre@unsw.edu.au or contact the Centre on (02) 9385 2257.

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