NSW Bar Association CPD Conferences 2016


Registrations are now open for the New South Wales Bar Association Regional CPD Conferences. The 2016 CPD Conferences have been confirmed for the following dates and locations: - Saturday, 13 February: North Coast - Saturday, 20 February and Sunday, 21 February: Orange - Saturday, 27 February: Newcastle - Saturday, 12 March: Parramatta - Saturday, 19 March: Sydney

For more details about each venue, speakers and the costs involved please click [here]

The conferences are run by registration only and places in each conference are strictly limited. To register and pay to secure your place please click [here]

Further speaker details will be made available over the coming weeks. These will be advertised in In Brief as well as on the NSW Bar Association Website.

For any questions about CPD requirements, conferences or the general CPD program, please contact the Professional Development Department on 02 9232 4055 or via e-mail cpd@nswbar.asn.au.

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