Upcoming CLA halfday seminars: Patents & Trade Marks and ADR


Promoted by the Commercial Law Association

1.30-4.30pm Patents & Trade Marks

Speakers: The Hon Justice Jayne Jagot, Cynthia Cochrane, Jeremy Dobbin, Kim O’Connell • Patent infringement — ‘purposive’ claim construction, essential and inessential integers and infringing the ‘substantial idea’ of the invention. • Patent validity — ‘law of enabling disclosure’ in the UK. Does it form part of the law of novelty under the Patents Act 1990 (Cth)? • Trade mark infringement — Parallel importing and exporting of genuine products — availability of the s123 defence, the meaning of ‘authorised user’ and the ss145, 146 and 148 offences. • Patent validity — are computer-implemented business methods patentable?

1.30-4.30pm, Friday, 4 March How to make ADR work for you and your clients Speakers: Francis Douglas QC, Robert Angyal SC, Hon Dr Kevin Lindgren AM QC FAAL, David Fairlie (Chair) • The Commercial Arbitration Acts 2010 and the International Arbitration Act 1974 (Cth) as amended in 2010. The way forward. • Tips for drafting effective settlement documents: binding/not binding. Dealing with revenue consequences. Achieving mutual releases without drafting till midnight. • What should lawyers do and not do to help the mediator improve settlement prospects? For more information and to register visit www.cla.org.au

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