Closes today: Volunteers for Law School Visits

The NSW Bar Association Education Committee is seeking volunteer barristers to deliver a session to each of the various law schools within NSW, for the purpose of:
- Introducing students to the role of barristers within the legal practice framework;
- Encouraging law students to have in mind the practice of a barrister as a career possibility; and
- Clarifying the pathways, and dismantling perceived barriers, to becoming a barrister.
The targeted cohort will be penultimate year law students, either in a combined law degree or a JD or equivalent program. It is proposed that sessions be delivered in June/July. The time frame will need to also work with the universities so this could be subject to change.
Mode of Delivery
Sessions will generally be delivered in person, with an under 5 barrister and a more senior barrister attending. It is considered that the presence of a junior member of the Bar may assist in messaging that a career as a barrister is achievable and something to work towards from early on in your legal career. Where possible, it is hoped to have barristers presenting who have been a student of the relevant university. The involvement of members of the Regional Bar is encouraged, as such involvement ought to convey to law students that a career as a barrister is not limited to those residing or practising in the Greater Sydney area.
Where Universities have their course delivered on-line, it is intended to deliver an on-line session for those universities.
The NSW Bar Association is recruiting barristers to assist with the Education Committee’s Law School visits. During the Law School visits, we will be seeking to promote equality of opportunity in the practice of law regardless of gender, age, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and socio-economic background. We encourage expressions of interest from barristers who have diverse backgrounds and perspectives to share. The Law School visits are an important initiative to ensure the Bar continues to attract strong candidates from diverse backgrounds.
All barristers are encouraged to complete the expression of interest form and nominate the areas to which they will travel. All visits will be carried out on a weekday within business hours.
Please complete the 'expression of interest form'.
Deadline to apply: Tuesday, 16 April 2024
**Please note completion of the form does not imply that a place on the program is guaranteed. Places are limited.
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