Tonight: The powers and functions of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Guardianship Division) and the role of NSW Barristers at hearings
In person - Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Anne Britton, Deputy President of NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) and Head of the NCAT (Guardianship Division) will discuss the role of Barristers at the Guardianship Tribunal.
The talk will cover appeals in particular, where NSW Barristers are statistically most likely to appear. She will also provide an overview of how Barristers can assist the Tribunal at hearings at first instance, the inquisitorial function of the Tribunal, the role of the Separate Representative, the power of the Guardianship Tribunal to review power of attorney and guardianship documents, hearings, case management and timetables.
Kim Boettcher of Frederick Jordan Chambers will facilitate the session. Attendees are encouraged to send Kim any questions in advance to
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