Fee recovery assistance

The Bar Association assists members with recovery from solicitors of unpaid fees, which have been outstanding for more than three months, but less than two years.
In providing this assistance, the Bar Association is not undertaking to act for the member in any legal capacity.
Assistance will generally be offered as follows:
The Association will write to the solicitor requesting payment.
In the event that payment is not forthcoming, the Association will telephone the solicitor seeking an explanation.
If the above efforts are unsuccessful, the Association provides names of firms of solicitors or costs consultants who are willing to provide the member with advice or professional assistance for the recovery of the member’s fees.
Requests for fee recovery assistance from the Bar Association should include the following:
A letter/email containing a brief chronology of events;
A copy of the costs disclosure and any costs agreement;
A copy of all invoices rendered; and
Any relevant correspondence.
The Bar Association can also provide assistance in relation to general enquiries concerning fee recovery. Email Megan Black or call her on ph: (02) 9232 4055.
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