AHRC highlights childcare as key constraint on working parents

The Human Rights Commission's investigation into discrimination against pregnant women and parents returning to work identified the high cost and lack of childcare services as a key concern.
The National Review frequently heard of issues relating to early childhood education and care services as a constraint on returning to work after parental leave. Many concerns were raised regarding the limited availability, accessibility, affordability of quality early childhood education and care services in Australia.
The Bar Association has an arrangement with Guardian Early Learning to provide long day care for members of the association in the Sydney CBD. The Bar Association’s arrangement extends to chambers staff. Days at the centre are also available on a casual basis, should your usual care arrangements fall through. Information in relation to the centre is available on our website.
Spaces are currently available, but are filling up quickly. If you wish to place your child at the centre, we encourage you to put your name on the waitlist as soon as possible. We currently have unborn babies on the waitlist for spaces in 2015.
Should you wish to put your name on the waitlist, or if you have any questions about the scheme, please do not hesitate to contact Megan Black at the Bar Association.
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