Wanted: judges for UTS mock trials


The UTS Law Students' Society is seeking lawyers to adjudicate its Witness Examination Competition (mock trial) in the coming months. This is an advocacy-focussed competition, which mimics examinations of witnesses in a criminal trial, with emphasis on the ability of competitors to ask questions of a witness in accordance with their case theory. It requires each competitor (acting as either the prosecution or the defence) to deliver an opening statement, examination-in-chief, cross-examination and closing statement on a given criminal charge and factual scenario.

Judging comprises adjudicating the examinations-in-chief, cross-examinations and opening and closing remarks of each of the two competitors. Each round runs for approximately one hour followed by around five minutes of feedback for the competitors at the end.

This upcoming semester’s witness examination competition will run on MONDAYS on the dates listed below, with rounds generally commencing from 12.00pm to 7.30pm:

  • 18 August 2014 (Preliminary Round)
  • 25 August 2014 (Round 1)
  • 1 September 2014 (Round 2)
  • 8 September 2014 (Round 3)
  • 15 September 2014 (Quarter-Finals)
  • 13 October 2014 (Semi-Finals)
  • 20 October 2014 (Grand Final)

If you are able to assist by volunteering your time and knowledge on any of the above dates, please email Saad Khan at witex@utslss.com with your judging availability on the above dates from 12.00pm-8.30pm.

If you have any enquiries about the role or the competition, please do not hesitate to email Saad at witex@utslss.com or call on 0423 413 677.

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