Open Day for Female Law Students: volunteers sought


On 15 August 2014 the New South Wales Bar Association will be hosting the Open Day for Female Law Students. The Bar Association has hosted the Open Day for many years, and they are extremely popular with students and barristers alike. Last year the association received over 100 student registrations for the Open Day, and approximately 60 barristers volunteered to host those students.

This year, students from the following universities will be invited to participate: UTS, Sydney University, the University of New England and Notre Dame.

The Open Day commences at 8.45am in the common room with a brief address from the president of the Bar Association and the chair of the Equal Opportunity Committee. The students are then divided into groups and allocated to a pair of barristers, who may then:

  • take the students to court to watch a matter

  • meet with a judge in chambers

  • have a general discussion with their group in chambers or over coffee about a career at the bar

  • introduce students to colleagues on their floor

The day concludes with lunch in the common room from 12.30 - 1.30 pm. If you are interested in volunteering to host a group of students on 15 August 2014, please complete the online registration form, which is available online here.

Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Megan Black on 9229 1739 or at

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