AACL seminar on 'shadow criminal laws'

The next Australian Association of Constitutional Law seminar is on Tuesday, 9 September 2014 at 5:30 pm in Federal Court, Court 18B. Professor Jeremy Gans (Melbourne Law School) will present a paper entitled 'The constitutionality of shadow criminal laws: Where (if anywhere) will the High Court draw the line?' The commentators will be Mr Robert Bromwich SC (Commonwealth DPP), Mr Timothy Game SC (Forbes Chambers) and Dr Gabrielle Appleby (Adelaide Law School). The seminar will be chaired by the Hon Justice Margaret Beazley AO (president, NSW Court of Appeal). The seminar is for members only. But membership is only $70 a year (for 5-6 seminars and other benefits). Applications for membership can be made at the door. For more information on this and other seminars click here.
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