Pave the Way for Indigenous scholarships - a message from Chris Ronalds SC


Tomorrow I am excited to be a part of a 24-hour challenge called Pave the Way.

Pave the Way is a one-day campaign by the University of Sydney to raise funds and awareness to help the most promising students access a university education, whatever their background, and support medical research that could prevent, treat and cure some of the world’s most devastating diseases.

There is also a smaller campaign on the day specifically focusing on raising awareness and funds for Indigenous pathways and Indigenous scholarships at the University of Sydney, so that future Indigenous students can be supported in following their dreams. Watch this video to see one of the Indigenous programs in action

The challenge will begin at midnight tonight, 15 September, and I’m hoping that you’ll get involved by following the hashtag #ipavetheway on social media, by telling your networks and/or by making a donation.

To Pave the Way for Indigenous students please give through before midnight on 16 September. Funds raised tomorrow will pave the way for young Indigenous people to aspire to and participate in higher education through outreach programs, flexible entry pathways, scholarships and specialised academic support. By supporting Indigenous students, you can help close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians not only in terms of education but also employment rates and in turn health rates.

Every gift no matter the size will add up to make a big impact on the lives of these Indigenous students.

To give a more general gift use the Pave the Way website, and every dollar, no matter the amount, will really help.

Thank you for getting involved in this 24-hour challenge.

P.S all gifts over $2 is tax deductible for Australian taxpayers!

Chris Ronalds SC

Chair, Indigenous Barristers' Strategy Working Party

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