The new look Law Society Diary

Our neighbours in the Law Society have given their popular, eponymous diary a makeover. It contains easy to find information on courts and tribunals, government agencies and more. For barristers, it includes, among other things, information on how to find a solicitor’s details via the Find a Lawyer website.
The Law Society Diary with directory is available in week-at-a-glance or day-to-a-page formats, and there is also a slimline pocket diary (no directory included). Bulk purchases of more than 20 diaries receive a 10% discount.
For orders of less than 20, please purchase online at the Law Society's e-shop.
For orders of 20+, please complete and return this form by post or email to receive your 10% discount.
Please note diaries will not be available for delivery until after 1 October 2014. All enquiries should be directed to Jessica Lupton, Business Development Coordinator, 02 9926 0290 or email
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