Determination of economic and non-economic losses


Pursuant to s 146 of the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 and the Motor Accidents Compensation (Determination of Loss) Amendment Order 2014 (NSW) has from 1 October 2014 increased the maximum amounts that are to apply for (a) past or future economic loss - $4,512 and (b) non-economic loss - $492,000.

Pursuant to s 80 of the_ Motor Accidents Act 1988_ the maximum amount that is to apply for past or future non-economic loss under that Act has also been increased by the Motor Accidents Compensation (Determination of Non-Economic Loss) Amendment Order 2014 (NSW).

Pursuant to s 17 of the Civil Liability Act 2002 and the Civil Liability (Non-economic Loss) Amendment Order 2014 (NSW), from 1 October 2014 the maximum amount that may be awarded for damages for non-economic loss under that Act has increased to $572,200.

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