BarADR approved arbitrators
Our BarADR arbitrators are specially trained and accredited in the art of arbitration.
What is arbitration?
Arbitration seeks to decide some or all of the issues in a dispute outside the courtroom in a timely and cost-effective way. An arbitrator provides a determinative ruling called an award and may decide on all or just some of the issues being disputed. Arbitrators may be appointed by the court to adjudicate a case or the disputing parties may agree to seek an arbitrator’s assistance mutually.
Arbitration closely resembles a court process, though it is less formal. Witnesses may be summoned to provide sworn testimony and evidence. Typically, arbitration follows an agreed timetable to ensure matters are resolved as quickly as possible.
Need a BarADR approved arbritrator?
If you need assistance through arbitration, the Bar Association recommends using a barrister ADR practitioner, who is accredited by BarADR to act as arbitrators in particular jurisdictions. Find a Barrister ADR Practitioner now through the following lists
- General Approved Arbitrators List
- Family Law Arbitrators (excerpt from r 67B List)
For more information, contact us at BarADR@nswbar.asn.au.