Buying into Chambers in the post pandemic age

Thursday, 28 July 2022

This CPD will canvass the important matters that a barrister should consider when making a decision to buy chambers under the various Chambers structures on offer at the Bar. The presenters will also discuss the role of Chambers in the post pandemic age and what effect, if any, this has on a decision to buy Chambers.


  • Sophie Callan SC, 12 Wentworth Selbourne Chambers


  • Brenda Tronson, Level 22 Chambers
  • Celia Winnett 6 Selborne Chambers
  • Jeh Coutinho, Clerk, Banco Chambers

This seminar has been organised by the Chambers of the Future Working Group and the New Barristers Committee.


CPD Points 1
Date & Times Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 5:15pm - 6:15pm
CPD Strand Practice Management and Business Skills
Committee new_barristers_committee

ONline via Zoom Webinar

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