Cultural diversity and equitable briefing

The Diversity and Equality Committee, with Lee-May Saw, the Association’s Advocate for Change for cultural diversity, will be holding a CPD on cultural diversity and equitable briefing at 5.00pm on Thursday, 15 June 2023.

The event will be held in-person in the Bar Association’s Common Room.

Ragni Mathur SC (Maurice Byers Chambers and member of the Diversity and Equality Committee) will chair a panel discussion with Mr Michael Tidball (Secretary, NSW Department of Communities and Justice), Ms Jasmina Ceic (Partner, Nyman Gibson Miralis), Mr Hiroshi Narushima (Partner, Gilbert + Tobin) and Ms Uche Okereke-Fisher (State Chambers and Chair of the Association’s Racial, Cultural and Religious Diversity and Inclusion Sub-committee).

The panel will discuss cultural diversity and inclusion in briefing decisions, data collection practices and policies that may facilitate the briefing of culturally diverse practitioners.

Attendees are encouraged to remain in the Association’s Common Room after the panel discussion to continue the conversation. Light refreshments will be provided.

To register for this CPD, please click here. This CPD will be run by registration only. Numbers are limited.


CPD Points 1
Date & Times Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 5:00pm - 6:00pm
CPD Strand Barristers' Skills, Practice Management and Business Skills
Committee Diversity and Equality

This CPD will take place in person at the New South Wales Bar Association

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