District Court Criminal Law Practice

The New Barristers Committee would like to invite all under 7's and beyond to attend this CPD session focused exclusively on criminal law practice in the District Court of NSW. Providing observations, advice and guidance on appearing in and preparing for matters in the criminal list, as well as general advocacy tips for practice in the District Court. Join panellists The Honourable Justice D M Price AO, Chief Judge of the District Court of NSW, Her Judge K N Shead SC and His Honour Judge W J Hunt to discuss the following five topics around, Appearing in the 3.1 Downing Centre District Court List, Severity/Convictions appeals from the Local Court,

Child Sexual Offence Evidence Program List, Appearing at trial readiness hearings before the Chief Judge and Trial tips and tricks/how to prepare pre-trial arguments. 


CPD Points 1
Date & Times Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 5:00am - 6:00am
CPD Strand Substantive Law, Practice and Procedure, and Evidence
Committee New Barristers

This CPD will be in person via 

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