Victim Representation in International Tribunals

Thursday, 24 June 2021

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (“ICC”), of which Australia is a party to, provides victims of serious international crimes with broad rights to participation in proceedings before, during and after a trial. These rights include the right to communicate with the Court before an investigation is initiated by the Office of the Prosecutor, to make submissions on the parameters of the investigation and standing to participate through a legal representative during trials. Victim participation has become an increasingly accepted component of tribunals for serious international crimes and human rights violations and has the ability to influence the outcome of proceedings.

This webinar will explore the framework through which victims are afforded participatory rights in international tribunals and how they are utilised by often extremely marginalised and vulnerable individuals. The speakers, drawing on their own expertise working at international tribunals, will address the challenges of bridging the gap between complex and lengthy criminal proceedings and meaningfully including victims in these proceedings.


  • Megan Hirst, Doughty Street Chambers
  • Eva Buzo, Black Chambers
  • Kate Gibson, St Philips Chambers

Learn more about the speakers here.

This seminar has been organised by the NSW Bar Association’s Human Rights Committee.


CPD Points 1
Date & Times Thursday, June 24, 2021 at 5:15pm - 6:15pm
CPD Strand Substantive Law, Practice and Procedure, and Evidence
Committee human_rights_committee

Online via Zoom

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