NSW Senior Counsel Appointments

Prior to 1993 silks were referred to as QC or KC (KC from 1901-1952) depending on the reigning sovereign - they commenced being referred to as SC on and from 1993. Please note that formal titles and/or post nominals that may have been held by an individual on their appointment as a silk have been omitted.

Note: An individual is not listed here if it is know he/she was appointed silk in another jurisdiction prior to taking silk status in NSW where this is known.

Name Date of appointment External links
Rofe, David Fulton 1974
Simos, Theodore 1974
Hill, Brian Eugene 1974
Cripps, Jerrold Sydney 1974
O’Keefe, Barry Stanley John 1974
Burchett, James Charles Shelto 1974
Hunter, Robert Leslie 1974
Spender, John Michael 1974
Meagher, Roderick Pitt 1974
Reddy, William Edward 1974
Gleeson, Anthony Murray 1974
McLelland, Malcolm Herbert 1974
Ashton, Richard David Malcolm 1974
Job, Richard William 1974
Howell, Robert Andrew 26 November 1975
Cullen, Charles Leslie 26 November 1975
Murphy, Ronald Bruce 26 November 1975
Voss, David Kerrod 26 November 1975
Sheller, Charles Simon 26 November 1975
Hunt, David Anthony 26 November 1975
Traill, John David 26 November 1975
Gyles, Roger Vincent 26 November 1975
Byron, Ernest Frank 1976
Cohen, Brian John Keith 1976
Davidson, Thomas Swanson 1976
Denton, William Harding 1976
Cook, Adrian George Hingston 1976
Herron, Brian John 1976
Foord, John Murray 1976
Reynolds, Thomas O’Loghlen 1976
Clarke, Matthew John Robert 1976
Shields, Eric John 1976
Coombs, John Sebastian 1976
Lloyd-Jones, John 1976
Cole, Terence Rhoderic Hudson 1976
Gallop, John Foster 1976
Shillington, David Sydney 1977
Kelly, John Joseph Anthony 1977
Gregory, Warwick Henry 1977
Einfeld, Marcus Richard 1977
Wilcox, Murray Rutledge 1977
Conti, Richard Alan 1977
Perrignon, Edmund Theodore 1978
Smyth, John Graham 1978
Carruthers, Kenneth John 1978
Sperling, Harold David 1978
Young, Peter Wolstenholme 1978
Rolfe, James Moreton Neville 1978
Tobias, Murray Herbert 1978
Beaumont, Bryan Alan 1978

Note for interest

William Charles Wentworth, admitted in 1824 with Robert Wardell as foundation barristers in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, was accorded the distinction of wearing a silk gown in February 1835 - the first in private practice to be so recognised (Sydney Gazette, 12 February 1835). That was a 'patent of precedence' but did not entitle him to use the term 'King's Counsel'. Senior law officers customarily wore silk gowns in court in the early decades of the Supreme Court.