One of the long-standing traditions at the New South Wales Bar is when friends and colleagues gather in a the convivial atmosphere of a 15-Bobber to celebrate elevation from the bar to the bench. Check InBrief for announcements regarding upcoming 15-Bobbers.
Bar Book Club
The Bar Book Club is an opportunity to get together with your colleagues and discuss classic and contemporary literature over some light refreshments. The members meet every five or six weeks at 5.30pm. Each book is selected by the members and details of titles and meeting dates are circulated via InBrief. Contact Simon Kalfas SC for more information.
Members can often save on pre-purchased eGift Cards from Dymocks. Visit Member Advantage by signing-in to the Member Dashboard Member Dashboard.
Bench and Bar Dinner
Entertaining speakers, fine wine and food make the annual Bench and Bar Dinner the Bar Association's premier black-tie event, held each year at one of Sydney's premier hotels.
Bench and Bar Drinks
Connect with collegues and aquaint yourself with judges in the relaxed and informal atmosphere of the Bar Common Room. Taste a selection of fine wines.
Bench and Bar Lunches
Connecting with colleagues is an effective way to build a positive outlook, especially for those in the early years of practice at the bar. The committee organises Bench and Bar lunches during the year at the No.10 Bistro and the Sky Phoenix.
Experienced Barristers Program
The Experienced Barristers Program creates an engaged community of our most experienced, longest-serving members. It affords opportunities to share knowledge and experience, grow their network of friends and broaden their contribution to the profession and to public life. It does this through regular social functions, helping members to participate in external activities, such as university moots, and honoring their service to the profession of law.
The next Experienced Barristers Lunch is on 12 February, from 12.00 to 2.00pm. The Guest of Honour is the Hon Murray Gleeson AC QC. Certificates marking 50 years in practice will be presented to Peter Hennessy SC and Robert Stitt QC. Tickets will cost $80 per person. Seating will not be allocated, and will instead be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Purchase your tickets here.
The Bar Knitting Group is a multidisciplinary group of barristers (and some judges and associates) who love all things handcrafted. We meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except January) at 5.30pm in the Bar Library. Light refreshments are provided. Participants should bring their latest project or just an enquiring mind. We can arrange to teach you to knit/crochet if you’d like! For more information contact our knitter in chief, Michelle Painter SC at mpainter@selbornechambers.com.au.
The NSW Lawyers Orchestra is open to all musicians in the legal field across NSW. It has two concerts a year, in June and November. For more information you can check them out on Facebook or contact the general manager Sarah Haddad (Frederick Jordan Chambers) by email: shaddad@fjc.net.au.