Bar Bytes

The  Media and Information Law and Technology Committee identifies, investigates and monitors new technological developments that may change the nature of a barristers work and their practice.

Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2022

Wednesday 30 November 2022

This year's Microsoft Digital Defense Report focuses on the new age of the hybrid war concerning cyber attacks. This report focuses on the activities of cybercriminals, nation state threats, foreign actors and insights and lessons learnt from cyberattacks.

The Future of Speech Recognition

Friday 2 September 2022

As ASR gets better, it can be used effectively in police body cams, to automatically record and transcribe interactions. Keeping a record of important interactions, and perhaps identifying interactions before they become dangerous, could save lives.

Getting things done with data in government

Wednesday 20 July 2022

On 20 July 2022 the Institute for Government and the Legal Education Foundation in the UK have sponsored a conference on ‘Getting things done with data in government’. Speakers included Dr Natalie Byrom, Director of Research at the Legal Education Foundat

Artificial Intelligence

Saturday 9 July 2022

After an AI bot wrote a scientific paper on itself, the researcher behind the experiment says she hopes she didn't open a 'Pandora's box'

How mercenary hackers sway litigation battles

Thursday 30 June 2022

A trove of thousands of email records uncovered by Reuters reveals Indian cyber mercenaries hacking parties involved in lawsuits around the world – showing how hired spies have become the secret weapon of litigants seeking an edge.

DAO? More like d’oh!

Thursday 30 June 2022

Decentralized autonomous organizations, common in crypto projects, promise a fairer, more democratic governance structure than a traditional public company. But a few recent incidents have thrown DAOs’ virtues into question.

Microsoft Word for Lawyers

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Microsoft Word is possibly the most used tool in a lawyer’s toolbox. From drafting depositions to collaborating with teams outside your firm, it’s an amazing tool chock-full of features to help you run your business.

eSafety Commissioner’s new powers commence 23 January 20212

Tuesday 22 February 2022

From 23 January 2022, the Online Safety Act 2021 (Cth) (“the Act”) will commence, giving the eSafety Commissioner additional powers to protect Australian’s online, particularly with social media websites, electronic service providers (i.e., website hosting