AVL arrangements during COVID-19

COVID-19: A message from President Tim Game SC
The last few weeks have brought unprecedented challenges for the courts and the legal profession with regard to the establishment of effective systems for the remote hearings of matters. What is apparent is that the courts, as well as the profession, are using their best endeavours to transition to workable AVL arrangements during this COVID-19 period.
Although there continue to be issues with the capacity of the systems being employed, the Supreme and District Courts are continuing to explore ways to address these problems. I encourage members to deal with these issues with patience and perseverance and continue to use their best efforts to assist the courts in what is an unenviable task.
Members requiring help with the use of online hearing technology as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic are encouraged to contact the Bar Association’s Innovation and Technology Committee, which will provide email and eventually telephone assistance to members having connectivity issues. Contact: technology_assist@nswbar.asn.au
COVID - 19 : Information for Attending Court
The New South Wales Bar Association’s consolidated guide to COVID-19-related court arrangements has today again been updated in terms of recent developments and includes:
The Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update 15 from this afternoon;
Land and Environment Court Protocol for the Issuing of Class 5 Proceedings;
A Child Dispute Services in-person interview protocol from the Family Court of Australia and the Federal Circuit Court;
District Court of NSW - Today's new Criminal Practice Note 18 regarding criminal trials, new Criminal Practice Note 19 regarding Criminal Trials at Circuit Sittings and a revised Civil Practice Note 1 regarding Case Management in the General List, all of which commence next Monday 6 April. The Court has also issued a Virtual Court Media User Guide; and
Children’s Court of NSW - The President of the Children’s Court has now issued Public Notice No 3 specifically dealing the management of care proceedings during the COVID-19 pandemic with a view to limiting the need for legal practitioners to appear in care proceedings as much as possible. More information relating to the operation of the Children’s Court during the pandemic can now be found in one location on the Court's website
Members are advised in this regard that, although the Bar Association is regularly updating the COVID-19 page of its website as information comes to hand, please refer to the latest court resources directly as developments are changing quickly at this time. Do not make any assumptions regarding your case without first doing so. Links to the various court and tribunal pages are provided in the body of the guide.
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