Craig Lambert and Can Too: Ocean Swims for 2025


Craig Lambert is participating once more in the Can Too Program to raise funds for cancer research and is seeking the always-generous support of the NSW Bar. This year Craig is swimming for his two sisters who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, as well as his two close friends who were claimed by cancer in the last two years.

1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This means that potentially someone we love may have to battle cancer, and that's a statistic that needs to be changed.

In fact, both Craig’s sisters have been diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and his younger sister unfortunately has a very aggressive type and is in the fight of her life.

Craig is raising valuable funds that go towards innovation in the prevention, care, and control of cancer. Since 2005, the Can Too Foundation has trained over 22,000 participants and raised over $30,000,000 to invest in over 150 cancer research grants. Can Too provides professionally coached training programs for participants of any fitness level to run, swim and cycle their way to a healthier lifestyle and a cancer-free world.

Craig has decided to step up to swimming both the 1km Open Water Palm Beach Swim and the 2 km Open Water Bondi Swim with, as he says: “My two new stainless-steel knees as ballast”! He is in training currently, rain, hail or shine.

This is Craig’s 8th Can Too Program, but he has only ever completed the 1km swim so he says going the distance for 2km will be “a real challenge” for him. To date he has raised $14,275 and he hopes his colleagues at the Bar can help him get to the $20,000 milestone.

He would be very grateful if you could sponsor him, or even better, think about joining in one of the programs! To donate please go to

Philanthropy is one of the Five Ways to Wellbeing, an evidence-based approach to feeling good and functioning well. They are simple, everyday actions to contribute to a positive experience of life. The Bar Council's Wellbeing Committee organises, facilitates and promotes a variety of activities and events to support the Five Ways. To find out more, visit the wellbeing pages on the Bar Association's website or email the committee via

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