The Justice Peter Hely Memorial Appeal: a message from the president of the Bar Association


The Hon Justice Heydon AC and a group of judges, barristers and solicitors who were close to the Late Justice Peter Hely have a launched an appeal to raise funds in memory of his Honour.� To work with Peter Hely was to have the privilege of working with one of the great legal intellects of our time.� He was held in the highest regard by all who knew him.� What is proposed for this memorial is a visiting distinguished scholar scheme and scholarships for undergraduates at the University of Sydney.�

I know that you will be generous in supporting this memorial.� Any member who wishes to contribute to the fund may do so on the attached form from the university.

Those who have made contributions will receive a formal update from Sydney University in July setting out the amount of those contributions.� It is anticipated that an award will be made from the earnings of the fund during the coming financial year.

**Michael Slattery QC 22 June 2007 **

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