Cases marked reportable by the Council for Law Reporting

__The following is a list of cases received and marked reportable by the Council for Law Reporting for New South Wales.
Vines v Australian Securities & Investments Commission [2007] NSWCA 75 (CA) (04.04.07) (40490/06)
R v Petroulias [2007] NSWCCA 134 (CCA) (16.05.07) (1152/2007)
Sasterawan v Morris [2007] NSWCCA 185 (CCA) (28.06.07) (707/2007)
ML Ubase Holdings Co Ltd v Trigem Computer Inc [2007] NSWSC 859 (Brereton J) (08.08.07) (ED 4646/2005)
Commissioner of Police v Ryan [2007] NSWCA 196 (CA) (09.08.07) (40761/2006)
**27 November 2007 **
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