Legislation to note: Courts and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2007
The Courts and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2007�was introduced�in the�NSW Legislative Assembly on 30 November, when it received its agreement in principle speech.�
The objects of the Bill, as expressed in the explanatory notes include:
>>�to amend the _Coroners Act 1980 _in relation to the suspension and continuation of inquests and inquiries;
>> to amend the _Land and Environment Court Act 1979 _in relation to privilege and conciliation conferences;
>>�to amend the _Legal Profession Act 2004 _in relation to a transitional matter; and
>>�to amend the _Young Offenders Act 1997 _in relation to miscellaneous matters and to make consequential amendments to certain Regulations.
View the Bill>
4 December 2007
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