Commencement of certain legislation


The Bail Amendment Act 2007 will commence on 14 December 2007.�The Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Amendment Act 2007 and the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Amendment (Authorised Officer’s Name) Regulation 2007 will commence on 17 December 2007.� More information>

Courts Legislation Amendment Act

The following provisions of the�Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2007 will�commence on 14 December 2007:

>> Schedule 1 – Administrative Decisions Tribunal Act 1997 – which allows a document signed by the parties to be admitted as evidence of an agreement or arrangement reached during a mediation session and deals with the making of practice notes.

>> Schedule 2 – Civil Procedure Act 2005 - Items 3 and 4 – which amends s76 dealing with the settlement of proceedings commenced by or on behalf of, or against, person under legal incapacity.

>> Schedule 4 – Coroners Act 1980 – which allows the state coroner to provide assistance to, and request assistance from, a coroner in another state or territory

>> Schedule 5 – District Court Act 1973 – which enables the registrar of a Local Court to exercise the functions of a registrar of the District Court (and to make similar provision with respect to the deputy registrars and officers)

>> Schedule 7 – Local Courts Act 1982 – Items 1 to 3 and 5 – which enables a registrar of the District Court to exercise the functions of the registrar of a Local Court (and to make similar provision with respect to assistant registrars and officers).

>> Schedule 8 – Supreme Court Act 1970 – which deals with the appointment of an acting chief justice and enables the registrar of the Court of Criminal Appeal to exercise the powers of a registrar of the Supreme Court (and to make similar provision with respect to the officers).� ������� The following provisions will commence on 28 January 2008:

>> Schedule 2 – Civil Procedure Act 2005 - Items 1, 2, 5 to 14 – which deals with the membership of the Uniform Rules Committee and the transfer of civil proceedings from the Supreme Court to the Land and Environment Court

>> Schedule 6 – Land and Environment Court Act 1979� which facilitates the Land and Environment Court adopting the civil procedure regime.

>> Schedule 9 – consequential amendments to the Community Land Management Act 1989 and the Legal Profession Regulation 2005 as a result of the Land and Environment Court being brought into the civil procedure regime.

13 December 2007�

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