Try eFiling to avoid building disruptions at the Federal Court registry
During January 2008 there will be extensive building work and noise in the Law Courts Building in Queens Square which may affect the Federal Court�registry.� Any urgent court hearings are likely to be conducted in other buildings with the location to be advised and there may be delays when using lifts.
To avoid these building disruptions, practitioners are strongly encouraged to consider the fax filing or eFiling of Federal Court applications and documents instead of visiting the registry on level 16.
The fax filing number is (02) 9230 8295 for both Federal Court and Federal Magistrates Court (General Federal Matters only).� The fax filing page limit is 50 pages.� Please ensure you attach a credit card authority for documents which attract a filing fee.� A copy of the authority is located on�the�court's�web site.
Federal Court documents (only) can also be eFiled by accessing the Federal Court web site.� The Efiling page limit is 100 pages. � Payments for both fax filing and eFiling can be made using Visa and MasterCard.
A reminder that parties can search for a matter, confirm a listing and obtain other information about filed matters by visiting eSearch on the website.
For more information and troubleshooting please call the Registry on (02) 9230 8567 and ask to speak to a service centre officer.
18 January 2008
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