Legislation to note: Crimes Amendment (Sexual Procurement or Grooming of Children) Act 2007


The Crimes Amendment (Sexual Procurement or Grooming of Children) Act 2007 commenced today,�18 January 2008.The object of the Act is to make it an offence for an adult to procure or groom a child for unlawful sexual activity.

The proposed preparatory offences will be subject to the following range of penalties depending on the age of the child (irrespective of the nature of the sexual activity for which the child has been procured or groomed):

(a) Procuring a child under 14 years of age—Imprisonment for 15 years, (b) Procuring a child under 16 years of age—Imprisonment for 12 years, (c) Grooming a child under 14 years of age—Imprisonment for 12 years, (d) Grooming a child under 16 years of age—Imprisonment for 10 years.

18 January 2008


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