Call for submissions on copyright exemptions

The Australian Government is reviewing the operation of two new copyright exceptions that permit âformat shiftingâ. These exceptions are sections 47J and 110AA of the Copyright Act 1968 which permit photographs and cinematograph films to be reproduced in a different format for private use, subject to certain conditions.
Sections 47J and 110AA were introduced by the Copyright Amendment Act 2006 and commenced on 11 December 2006. That Act also requires that a review of the operation of these provisions be carried out by 31 March 2008.�
The Attorney-General's Department has released an issues�paper is to invite submissions on whether sections 47J and 110AA are operating satisfactorily or whether either provision should be modified in some way.
Submissions are invited from interested parties on the matters covered in this paper. The closing date for submissions is 29 February 2008.
29 January 2008
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