2008 Bench and Bar Dinner invitation - RSVPs close today


The president and Bar Council have the pleasure of inviting all members of the New South Wales Bar Association and the judiciary to the 2008 Bench and Bar Dinner. The guest of honour is the Hon Justice Susan Kiefel and Ms Senior, Jane Needham SC and Mr Junior, Brad Hughes. The dinner is on** Friday, 9 May** at the Hilton Sydney. Tickets are $185 and $145 for Under 5s. Full payment must accompany RSVP.�

RSVP's close today, Thursday, 24 April.

Download an invitation>

Seating arrangements of 10 per table will be accepted, as will smaller bookings. Seating will be offered on a first-in basis. If you have any questions regarding the dinner, please contact Katie Hall at khall@nswbar.asn.au or ph: (02)�9229 1720.


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