Federal Court of Australia - new notice to practitioners and practice direction


The Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia has issued a new Notice to Practitioners concerning�Case Management and the Individual Docket System and a revised Practice Note concerning Guidelines for Expert Witnesses.

The�attached Notice to Practitioners and Litigants – Case Management and the Individual Docket System was issued�on 5 May 2008. The aim of the Notice is to provide a short, clear set of overarching purposes and principles to be kept in focus at all times by the Court, the profession and the parties.

On 5 May 2008 the Chief Justice replaced the Practice Direction: Guidelines for Expert Witnesses in Proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia issued on 6 June 2007 with a new Practice Direction. A copy of the new Practice Direction is�attached.

Copies of both the Notice and the Practice Note are also available from the Federal Court of Australia's website

6 May 2008�


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