Cases selected for reporting in NSWLR by the Editor, Bret Walker SC


The following four cases will be published in a forthcoming volume of NSWLR:

City of Canada Bay Council v Bonaccorso Pty Ltd [2007] NSWCA 351 (Mason P, Tobias JA and Young CJ in Eq)) Thaina Town (On Goulburn) Pty Ltd v City of Sydney Council [2007] NSWCA 300 (Spigelman CJ, Mason P, Beazley JA Giles JA and Ipp JA)

Perpetual Trustees Victoria Ltd v Ford [2008] NSWSC 29 (Harrison J) CSR Ltd and Another v Eddy [2008] NSWCA 83 (Hodgson JA, McColl JA and Basten JA)

For further information, please contact the Council of Law Reporting office:, phone 9266 0768.

30 May 2008

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