11th International Criminal Law Congress, 8-12 October 2008
This biennial International Criminal Law Congress in Sydney in 2008 will address the investigation, prosecution, defence, adjudication and punishment of crime and the challenges raised in the 21st Century. In the evolving electronic age, an age of terrorism, the internationalisation of crime, assaults on privacy and alternatives to traditional trial and punishment regimes, practitioners must adapt.
A forum like this provides an opportunity to hear of recent developments in many jurisdictions, to discuss and debate issues with colleagues and to identify and adopt effective practice for the future.
Participants in this Congress will include policy and law makers, law enforcers, prosecutors, defenders, the judiciary, corrective officers and the academy. Theory and practice will be examined in the formal sessions and discussed in the margins where social events will provide further valuable opportunities for the informal exchange of views.
Topics will include cybercrime, law enforcement powers, forntiers of evidence, illegal movements of funds, dealing with people with a mental illness, Aboriginal people and criminal justice, environmental crime, sexual offences, terrorism, juries, sentencing and alternatives, the media and its involvement in the criminal process.
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