District Court changes 2009 and 2010


Beginning July 2009 two District courts will transfer from Penrith to the new Trial Court Complex at Parramatta; and from February 2010 two District courts will transfer from Campbelltown to Parramatta. The net result will be one District Court at Penrith and one District Court at Campbelltown doing short matters and some short trials, and�eight District courts sitting at Parramatta in the Trial Court Complex.���

These changes will also impact on the courts to which committal matters are sent. When the changes are implemented, magistrates presiding over committals will be asked to refer cases arising in the local area commands from Blacktown, Holroyd, Mt Druitt, Quakers Hill and St Marys to Parramatta District Court.�

Matters arising from local area commands at Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Penrith are to be committed to Penrith DC.

Matters arising from local area commands at Fairfield, Bankstown, Green Valley, Liverpool and Cabramatta are to be committed to Campbelltown DC; matters from Campbelltown, Camden and Macquarie Fields are to be committed to Campbelltown District Court.

25 August 2008

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