Abolition of electronic lodgement fee in family law matters from 1 October 2008

The Legal Aid NSW Board has approved the abolition of the Electronic Lodgement Fee (âELFâ) payable to private legal practitioners in Commonwealth family law matters. The ELF was introduced in 2003 for private practitioners in Commonwealth family law matters, who were paid the sum of $80.00 for each approved legal aid application that was lodged electronically. The payment was introduced in part as an incentive to encourage use of the Grants Online system. It was subject to the ongoing availability of Commonwealth funds and is not paid for legal aid applications in other areas.
Since the introduction of the electronic lodgement fee, the use of information technology for a range of business activities, including electronic commerce, has increased significantly.� Electronic lodgement of grant applications is now consistent with the way in which many other transactions are commonly performed.
In addition, in recent years Legal Aid NSW has faced increasing pressure on available funds in Commonwealth matters. In light of these factors, Legal Aid NSW has decided to abolish the ELF.
Commencement date
The new policy will be effective for all applications submitted on or after 1 October 2008. A family law application submitted before that date and approved after that date will still qualify for the ELF.
Enquiries can be directed to Mary Whitehead, acting director grants, on ph: (02) 9219 5114 or by e-mail at mary.whitehead@legalaid.nsw.gov.au
26 September 2008
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