Fees owed to counsel - Bob Chan Lawyer


Pursuant to s623(2) of the Legal Profession Act 2004 (NSW), the Law Society of New South Wales has appointed Mr Raymond Collins, solicitor, to manage the law practice of�Bob Chan Lawyer, Suite 12,�2 O'Connell Street, Parramatta. The operating status of the practice�has yet to be assessed. Counsel with outstanding fees should contact the manager as soon as possible.

Whilst the manager will do whatever can be done to assist counsel to recover fees, it is each counsel's responsibility to ensure the adequacy of his or her commercial arrangements with instructing solicitors and the manager may not be able to assist.

Mr Collins may be contacted on ph: (02) 9926 0240, fax: (02) 9926 0166; DX 362 Sydney or via e-mail: LXT@lawsocnsw.asn.au

29 October 2008

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