Attorney-General Robert McClelland among the new members of the Bar Association


At a meeting of Bar Council on 2 October, the persons listed below were accepted as members of the New South Wales Bar Association.

**Surname** **Given�name�** **Chambers�** **Class**�
Ahmed Shahan Blackstone A
Ang Lishan Frederick Jordan A
Arunothayam Anuja 7 Selborne A
Averre Kenneth Forbes A
Beaumont Justine 10 Selborne/Wentworth A
Bouveng Stuart Seven Garfield Barwick A
Evers Anthony Frederick Jordan A
Jerram Mary State Coroner’s Court B
Leighton-Daly Mathew 6 and 7 St James’ Hall A
Locke Melanie Ada Evans A
McClelland The Hon Robert Attorney General’s Dept A
Muir Jane 5 Wentworth A
Priestley Simon Lismore A
Steward Robert 11 Garfield Barwick A
Stolier Elizabeth Frederick Jordan A
Tobin James 9 Wentworth Chambers A
Tronson Brenda 6 Selborne/Wentworth A
Ward The Hon Justice Julie NSW Supreme Court B
Wilkinson Genevieve 9 Selborne A
� � �

31 October 2008

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