Changes to the Legal Aid NSW grants application process

From March 2009, barristers who receive direct assignments of legally aided matters will see the following changes:
- A new grants management system will replace the current Grants Online and the associated back-office system.
- Practitioners registered to use Grants Online will -find that it looks different and provides access to a much wider range of features than the current Grants Online.
- Registered practitioners will be able to submit all applications for grants of legal aid electronically using Grants Online, accessible from the Legal Aid NSW web site ( Practitioners will also use Grants Online to submit claims for fees and disbursements and to request extensions of grants and transfers of assignments.
- Standard online forms will be provided for tasks such as appeals to the Legal Aid Review Committee, advising matter outcomes and general correspondence.
- All communications from Legal Aid NSW to registered practitioners relating to legal aid applications and grants will be electronic.
- Grants Online will incorporate a notice board where registered practitioners will be able to retrieve these communications, and links on the notice board will enable users to view associated documents.
These changes will have minimal impact on barristers who are not receiving direct assignments of legally aided matters.
To help practitioners with the new Grants Online, a user guide will be available on the Legal Aid NSW web site. Assistance will also be available from the Grants Support Desk ((02) 9219 5999 or by email to � Barristers who are not registered to use Grants Online may continue to submit their invoices to their instructing solicitors, but for speed and efficiency I would recommend that they register for Grants Online to allow them to submit claims directly to Legal Aid NSW. Practitioners can register by going to the Legal Aid NSW web site, or by contacting the Grants Support Desk.
Practitioners should note that Grants Online will not be available during the installation of the new grants management system. The precise installation dates are being finalised and will be advised at the earliest opportunity. Some additional short-term disruption is also possible as staff and practitioners become familiar with the new system, but the Grants Support Desk will be available throughout the implementation period and beyond to provide assistance.
Should you have any questions about the introduction of the new system, please do not hesitate to contact Annmarie Lumsden, acting director grants, on ph:�(02) 9219 5671.
24 November 2008
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