NSW Law Reform Commission consulation paper on jury directions

The NSW Law Reform Commission has released a consultation paper on jury directions.
âJury directions will fail in their purpose if they are not delivered in a form which a jury made up of members of the general community can understand and applyâ, said Chairperson of the LRC, The Hon James Wood AO QC.
âThe purpose of the reviewâ, Mr Wood said, âis to identify problem areas in the way that jurors have traditionally been instructed, and to identify a format that is more relevant for the current generation of jurors. If so, we might be able to avoid the experience that so many judges have encountered of jurorsâ eyes glazing over when they give directions.â� The closing date for submissions is** 13�March 2009.� **View Consultation Paper 4: Jury Directions (December 2008)>
15 December 2008
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