Consistent overflow work available
Barrister's Accommodation
Barristers' accommodation is currently available in Marbury Chambers.
We have been consistently experiencing an excess of available work for Members of Marbury Chambers. We have hearings that we need to allocate to Barristers now.
The monthly chambers' fee is $600.00 plus GST and plus consumables (eg printing and stationery). Termination of your membership is on one months' written notice.
Marbury Chambers' are located near the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, John Maddison Tower and the Downing Centre in Sydney.
Marbury Chambers actively promotes a professionally supportive environment. Your practice will be promoted by your individual Marbury Chambers' web page which is kept current with regular website maintenance:
Margaret Bateman, who has over 30 years' experience at the New South Wales Bar, is Marbury Chambers' Head of Chambers.
If you are interested in becoming a member of Marbury Chambers, please contact the Clerk by email at
to receive a membership form which includes comprehensive details of membership.
Marbury Chambers runs a full CPD programme: please see details at