Media Releases

The Bar Association Constitution promotes the administration of justice and the public good in relation to legal matters. Informed public debate and the provision of legal expertise to law reform proposals is crucial to the maintenance of the rule of law in society and the administration of justice.

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Statement on law reform to address antisemitism

Wednesday 19 February 2025

The antisemitic attacks that have occurred across NSW and Australia are reprehensible. They have undermined community cohesion, and our sense of shared values and security.

Wanding Search Powers Undermine Fundamental Rights

Wednesday 5 June 2024

The New South Wales Bar Association opposes the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) and Other Legislation Amendment (Knife Crime) Bill 2024, because it undermines fundamental rights by allowing arbitrary wanding searches.

Bail Reforms Require Further Consideration

Friday 17 May 2024

The NSW Bar Association has significant concerns about the Bail and Other Legislation Amendment (Domestic Violence) Bill 2024, which was recently introduced into the NSW Parliament.

Real Action on Ice Scourge Can’t Wait Any Longer

Wednesday 21 September 2022

New South Wales Bar Association President Gabrielle Bashir SC has welcomed the Government's response to the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Drug Ice, but called on the Government to move decisively on its implementation

Government frozen on Ice Inquiry response for two and a half years

Thursday 1 September 2022

The President of the New South Wales Bar Association Gabrielle Bashir SC said it is time for the NSW Government to end its silence on drug reform "Since then, the NSW Government has failed to respond to the overwhelming majority of the recommendations"

Unexplained wealth laws can’t be rushed

Monday 6 June 2022

The Bar Association urges the NSW Government and the Opposition not to rush into ill-considered laws to expand police powers to confiscate ‘unexplained wealth’, without consultation with all stakeholders.

Targets miss the mark on justice for First Nations

Thursday 30 July 2020

The Association has expressed dismay at the unambitious justice targets announced by the Federal Government which fail to prioritise critical initiatives to address the over-representation of First Nations People in Australia's criminal justice system.

Walama Court must not be delayed

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Recent events have highlighted the urgent need to address the continued over-representation of Indigenous people in Australia’s criminal justice system, including by establishing the Walama Court and adopting the Uluru Statement and a First Nations Voice.