First Nations
Terms of reference
- Represent the NSW Bar Association and its members on legal policy and practice issues relating to First Nations and First Nations people including:
- reviewing policies and procedures for the Bar Council and NSW Bar Association to ensure First Nations and First Nations peoples’ perspective are considered where relevant;
- advocating for the rights of First Nations and First Nations people on systemic issues of policy such as Indigenous incarceration, discrimination and the impact of domestic violence on First Nations communities.
- Encourage and support First Nations people to consider a career in the law and at the Bar;
- Support First Nations people who are members of the profession;
- Organise educational seminars for members regarding issues relating to First Nations affairs;
- Develop and monitor the implementation of the Association’s Reconciliation Action Plan; and
- Provide advice to Bar Council on matters relating to First Nations affairs as required.
Tony McAvoy SC (Chair)
Damian Beaufils (Deputy Chair)
Chris Ronalds AO SC
Janet Manuell SC
Nick Eastman SC
James Trevallion SC
Ross Hanrahan
Nicholas Newton
Natasha Case
Natasha Hammond
Charles Gregory
Siobhain Climo
Tammy Wong
Rebecca McMahon
Self Rumbewas
Lucy Geddes
Michele Kearns (Clerk)
Laura Toren (Bar Association Staff Member)