Inquests & Inquiries
Terms of reference
The Inquests and Inquiries Committee is comprised of barristers with an interest in and practice encompassing all aspects of inquests and inquiries work. The Committee:
- assists the Association and Bar Council in formulating its position on issues that affect the substantive law, procedure and practice rules in these areas, including by preparing submissions and correspondence to government and non-government bodies;
- maintains engagement with the various courts, commissions, tribunals and other relevant bodies, including the Crown Solicitor’s Office;
- raises the concerns of members practising in these areas so that they can be brought to the attention of the Association and Bar Council where appropriate; and
- supports members who practice in these areas, including by organising CPD events.
Donna Ward SC (Co-Chair)
Scott Robertson SC (Co-Chair)
Kirsten Edwards SC
Alan Shearer SC
Robert Ranken SC
Adam Searle
Teni Berberian
Ben Bradley
Patrick Rooney
Greg O'Mahoney
Joanna Davidson
Juliet Curtin
Christine Melis
Ian Fraser
Louise Coleman
Hugh Dillon
Jake Harris
William de Mars
Sarah Woodland
Emma Sullivan
Sarah Love
Kate Hamilton
Alanna Condon (Bar Association Staff Member)