Terms of Reference
- Advance proposals on establishing Sydney as a regional dispute resolution centre including further discussion about a dedicated, landmark building for a centre.
- Communicate on behalf of the NSW Bar with the various bodies currently operating in the field to clarify how co-ordination is optimised.
- Establish an appropriate education program for barristers engaging in or seeking to engage in international work with a view to establishing a more uniform, high standard of capability including targeted masterclasses and dialogue around best practice for barristers in these fields.
- Review, enable and continue to improve the collective access to, skill of use, support for and standard of online advocacy for international matters.
- Co-ordination with other committees including, especially Education, ADR; Common Law; Criminal Law; First Nations; Industrial, Employment, Health and Safety.
- Undertake research and dialogue with potential clients and influencers – Australian corporations, solicitors, other advisers, banks, governments and quasi-government agencies.
- Examine offshore target markets such as major trade and investment partners of US, UK, Japan, NZ, Hong Kong, Singapore as well as high opportunity markets such as the Pacific region and Korea.
Mark Dempsey SC (Co-Chair)
James Hutton SC (Co-Chair)
Tom Brennan SC
Charles Colquhoun SC
Johnathan Kay Hoyle SC
Chester Brown SC
Nuala Simpson SC
Elisa Holmes SC
Daniel Meltz
Faye Ashworth
Adam Butt
Jesse Kennedy
Katie Sutton
Boxun Yin
Dr Callista Harris
Monty Taylor
Donna Boyce (Bar Association Staff Member)