Climate Change

Terms of reference
  1. To make recommendations to the Bar Council with respect to legislation and law reform dealing with the legal aspects of climate change and environmental and planning law insofar as it relates to climate change;
  2. To advise on and address any issues referred by the Bar Council;
  3. To seek to ensure that the benefits of the administration of justice are available to members of the community who are affected by climate change;
  4. To monitor judicial decisions, bills, legislation, policies and programs for their impacts on climate change and Australia’s commitment to its international obligations;
  5. To conduct activities of a professional or educational nature amongst Members of the Bar Association on the issues at 4, including to publish as appropriate journals, papers, or other documents with the President’s approval;
  6. In carrying out the above, liaise with and obtain advice of experts in climate change science.


Richard Lancaster SC (Chair)
Sebastian Hartford Davis (Deputy Chair)
Tim Game SC
Jonathon Redwood SC
Mark Seymour SC
Nicholas Kirby
Clifford Ireland
Evan Walker
Robert White
Janet McKelvey
Alexandra Rose
Zaina Shahnawaz
Harrison Grace
Kate Lindeman
Jerome Entwisle
Anna Elizabeth
Richard Reynolds
Matthias Thompson
Michele Kearns (Clerk)

Laura Toren (Bar Association Staff Member)